Q: How quickly do things ship?
A: Typically within 10 days. You'll get your stuff or we'll refund you. No stress. If you're worried, just contact us. You'll find our contact info on the site, plus a CONTACT US button at the bottom of every page.
Q: What are the thread counts?
A: Like you ask Nike that! Check the product descriptions; they've got all the info you need.
Q: What if I chose the wrong size or color?
A: Let's not do that. Make sure you're sure about your size and color. Our stuff is for people who get it right the first time. No returns for this.
Q: Returns or exchanges?
A: Nope, unless we messed up. So, chill.
Q: Where can we find music?
A: Everywhere you stream music. We're there.
Q: How can I reach out for a collaboration?
A: Contact us. You'll find our contact info on the site, plus a CONTACT US button at the bottom of every page.